Pengaruh Rorak terhadap Karakteristik Tanah di Perkebunan Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.)
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Soil is one of the external factors that affect growth and plant development. Soil is a medium to grow the plant that is widely used, especially in research locations. Giving treatment in the form of dead-end trench certainly has an impact on soil characteristics. Dead-end trench in the land serves to accommodate organic matter, improve root character, and prevent erosion. This research was conducted at a cocoa plantation owned by PT. Pagilaran at the North Segayung Production Unit, Tulis District, Batang Regency, Central Java. The field experiment was arranged in a two-factor factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three blocks as replications. The first factor was the use of dead-end trench in the cocoa plantation area, consisting of two treatments, namely without dead-end trench and using dead-end trench. The second factor was cocoa clones which consisted of three clones, namely RCC 70, RCC 71, and KKM 22. Each treatment in each block used three cocoa stands as samples, so that the total number of stands used was 56 plants. The use of dead-end trench significantly affected the parameters of total soil N, soil available P, soil available K, volume weight, soil porosity, pH H2O, c-organic, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation.
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