About the Journal
ISSN: 2829-1476 (Online)
Tematik: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Medan Resource Center in collaboration with the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara. This journal publishes research results and thoughts in the field of primary education, including Classroom Action Research, Qualitative Primary Education Research, Quantitative Basic Research, and others. The journal accommodates a broad scope of primary education, such as Elementary School or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Kindergarten Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, and other primary education institutions, both formal and non-formal. The journal is published biannually in March and September and accepts articles in Indonesia or English.
This journal is an Open Access Journal. Article copyright belongs to the author. All information in this journal is closed and protected by the journal manager and protected from outside interests.
Journal History
- Tematik was established in March 2022 and published its first issue (Vol. 1, No. 1) in March 2022.
- Tematik was Registered e-ISSN (2829-1476) by ISSN BRIN (formerly PDII LIPI) on April 8, 2022.
- Tematik was indexed in Google Scholar on March 10, 2022.
- Tematik was indexed in Crossref (Registered in DOI by RJI) on October 12, 2022.
- Tematik was indexed in Dimensions and Scilit in June 2023.
- Tematik was indexed in Garuda on June 3, 2024.
- Medan Resource Center was joined Himpunan Penerbit Jurnal Indonesia (HIPJI) on July 2, 2024.
- Tematik was indexed in iSitasi in July 2024.