Politik Kebijakan Kolonial dalam Program Perumahan Rakyat di Medan, 1909-1942
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This article discusses the city government's policy in addressing settlement problems in colonial-era Medan. This research uses the historical method, by conducting a series of source searches from archives, contemporaneous newspapers, reports, and literature studies. The findings of this research are first, the city government created a public housing policy (volkhuisvesting) that started in 1918. This policy aimed to fulfill the housing needs of the urban poor. However, in practice the number built was insufficient and the rent set was not affordable by the community. Secondly, the city government evicted hundreds of houses that were considered dilapidated in the villages in Medan. The two policies implemented by the government simultaneously aimed to support each other as a political colonial policy in controlling urban and village spaces in Medan.
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Gemeenteblad II. Gemeente Medan Volkhuisvesting 1920. Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co.
Gemeenteblaad II, Kampoeng Rapport (Samengesteld ingevolge Gemeenteraadsbesluit 1922 No. 67), Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co.
Gemeente Medan, Verzameling Van Op Januari 1927 Geldende Verordeningen, Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co.
Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1919, Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co.
Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1921, Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co.
Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1922, Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co
Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1923, Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co
Verslag betreffende de Gemeente Medan over het Jaar 1924, Medan: TYP. Varekamp & Co.
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De Sumatra Post, 31 Juli 1922.
De Sumatera Post 06 Maret 1919
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