Analisis Kepatuhan Syariah (Shariah Compliance) Terhadap Produk Tabungan Marhamah dengan Akad Mudharabah pada Bank Sumut Kantor Cabang Syariah Medan

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Rafiqa Humaira Nasution
Nurul Jannah


Savings Marhamah is one of the popular savings among customers of the Islamic bank of North Sumatra, by using a profit sharing contract or mudharabah, a problem arises that the author wants to know, What is the form of implementation of compliance with sharia principles in the savings product of Marhamah Bank of North Sumatra Sharia Branch Office Medan?, The author wants to compare whether the mudharabah mechanism applied to this Marhamah savings product is with the sharia principles that exist in the MUI DSN or does this Marhamah savings product have sharia compliance? The data collection technique is qualitative with descriptive method. This qualitative descriptive research provides a systematic, accurate, and accurate description of the implementation of shariah compliance as seen from the products of Bank Sumut, Medan Sharia Branch Office.


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How to Cite
Nasution, R. H., & Jannah, N. . (2022). Analisis Kepatuhan Syariah (Shariah Compliance) Terhadap Produk Tabungan Marhamah dengan Akad Mudharabah pada Bank Sumut Kantor Cabang Syariah Medan. Regress: Journal of Economics & Management, 2(2), 149–152.


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